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How Well Do You Know These Famous Landmarks ?

We've seen them, but what about remembering them?

How Well Do You Know These Famous Landmarks?
It doesn't matter if you have traveled the world or not. Still, there are many places which you have at least seen in pictures, movies, or any other place. These locations have their unique legacy, and that's why we sometimes think of visiting them.
This quiz is dedicated to those famous buildings, monuments, and natural wonders all around the globe. So, check out if you know the world where you live by trying to guess the names of all the places accurately. One thing that I can say is that when you complete this quiz, you will definitely plan a trip. 

Where is Christ the Redeemer located?
Where is Christ the Redeemer located?
Rio de Janeiro

What is the name of this monument?

What is the name of this monument?
Leaning Tower of pisa

What is the name of this mountain?

What is the name of this mountain?

Mount fuji

What is the height of the Statue of Liberty from base tip to torch?

What is the height of the Statue of Liberty from base tip to torch?

151 Ft and 1 inch

What is the height of Taj Mahal?

What is the height of Taj Mahal?

73 M

What is the name of this bridge?

What is the name of this bridge?

Golden Gate bridge

What is the height of Eiffel Tower from the tip to base?

What is the height of Eiffel Tower from the tip to base?

324 M

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